Student dinner doesn't have to be boring! These tricks can make it even more flavorful!

What should a student dinner be like? First of all cheap, simple and quick to prepare. Sometimes making a delicious dish can seem like a challenge for young people, but not with the following inspirations! Use the following inspirations and recipes for a college student to make excellent, filling and uncomplicated dishes!

Buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat is a very versatile product from which you can prepare a variety of dishes. This time it is worth betting on the delicious and filling cutlets, which are prepared in an express pace. You will need only a few ingredients. In addition to buckwheat, you should use an egg and spices. All you need to do is boil the millet groats until thick, add the egg, mix and fry until golden brown. That's it! On its own, millet groats have a delicate taste, so expressive spices will also be a good idea. For example the timeless MAGGI Liquid Seasoning will prove useful. You can serve the pancakes with your favourite ready-made salad or prepare a simple tomato, cucumber and onion salad on your own. The dish will be even more filling if served with boiled potatoes with dill.

Sausage stew

Sausages can be served in various forms. Recipes for students should be simple and quick to prepare, but you do not have to limit yourself to boiled sausages served with bread. To prepare a tasty and filling dish, you will need only basic ingredients - in addition to sausages, it is worth using mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and spices. Goulash will be even better if you prepare it with broth. You don't have to boil the broth for several hours, WINIARY Vegetable Broth will also prove useful. Thanks to it, the dish will take on the flavour of spices and gain an even richer taste!

Buckwheat with natural yoghurt and additions

You can also prepare sweetdishes from buck wheat. The ideal choice for a light, sweet dinner is the so called "millet soup". Not only is it very nutritious, but you can prepare it in many different ways. It is good to cook millet groats with milk and honey, so that they have a sweet taste. It tastes great with natural yogurt and fruit. You can add banana, peaches or apple slices to it. Sweet dishes of millet groats should also be complemented with such additions as sunflower seeds or dark chocolate. This is a very simple proposition, which can be prepared in a few moments and taken with you to university, to work, or used as an afternoon snack.

Tortilla pizza

Most of us love pizza with toppings, but making and baking the dough can take a lot of time. Therefore, it might be a good idea to use tortilla slices instead of the traditional pizza crust. They will make the dish even simpler and faster to prepare. All you need to do is arrange the pancakes on a baking tray, sprinkle them with grated yellow cheese, cover with another pancake and then pour tomato passata over them. The toppings can be whatever you like, apart from mozzarella cheese a good choice would be mushrooms, peppers, salami and onions. The dish can be served with your favourite salad.

Recipes for students do not have to be difficult to prepare to be tasty. All you need is a few well-chosen ingredients, which can be combined with aromatic sauce, seasoned with favourite spices or served with ready-made additives!

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