Tomato - the queen of Polish soups

Probably no one doubts that Poles love soups. Tomato soup has already become a national specialty and an indispensable part of a traditional Polish dinner. Research shows that nearly every third Pole mentions it as his favourite soup. The popularity of tomato soup should not surprise anyone. Economical and easy to prepare, it satisfies hunger for a long time. However, not everyone knows that eating soups, including tomato soup, can significantly help in the fight against excess weight.

Simple and quick to prepare soups, are a source of essential, easily digestible nutrients and minerals. Despite the low calorie content, they are very filling, filling the stomach for a long time. As many as 70% of respondents consider soups to be a wholesome meal, according to a survey conducted by IQS[1], commissioned by Monika Honora, the author of the Transitions program. Almost half of the survey participants also admit that soups are served on their tables several times a week.

What soups do Poles like to eat the most?

The aforementioned tomato soup and broth are the most popular. Nearly 60% of respondents list them among their favourite soups, which demonstrates a strong attachment to Polish culinary traditions. On the other hand, every tenth Pole prefers sour soup or vegetable soup, which has the advantage of a low glycemic index. Slightly less popular among survey participants is cabbage soup, known for its properties to help cleanse toxins.

Tomato soup

"There are many reasons to incorporate soups permanently into your menu. First of all, it is a good way to smuggle vegetables, which are so important for health, into the daily diet, providing our body with vitamins and minerals necessary for its proper functioning," says Monika Honory, a nutrition specialist and author of the innovative diet Transformations by Monika Honory.

A great example is the tomato soup loved by Poles. Its main ingredient, tomatoes, are a source of many mineral elements, and it is hard to believe the number of benefits that can be gained from eating them. Tomatoes contain antioxidants, which protect the skin against free radicals, and thanks to the high content of vitamin C (one fruit covers about 60% of the daily requirement), they strengthen the immune system. They are also rich in potassium, responsible for lowering blood pressure and thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Monika Honory, creator of the innovative nutrition programme called Przemiany (Transformations), has included her own idea for fresh tomato soup, along with 44 other recipes, in her book "Soups that are filling but not fattening". The menu of Transformations is based on traditional Polish cuisine, does not impose strict restrictions and does not eliminate any product groups.

"Transition assumes eating almost everything you feel like, but in an easily digestible and safe form. This form includes cooked, semi-liquid products, i.e. SUPPIES. Without restrictive bans, constant sacrifices, counting calories and weighing products I managed to reach the weight I had always dreamed of". - says Monika Honory about her Transformations program, who managed to lose over 40 kg in just 10 months without the yoyo effect.

Monika Honory is also the author of a guidebook, aimed at people who want to take the first steps in the fight against excess weight. "Preparing for Slimming" describes how to start the transformation and how to prepare for the process from the psychological point of view. It also contains personal advice and tips, collected by Monika based on her own experience.

Tomato cream

"I'm glad that more and more people in Poland see the benefits of eating soups, they really help to lose weight. Additionally, contrary to the prevailing stereotypes, they do not have to be time-consuming and difficult to prepare. I will use here the example of the already mentioned tomato soup. My own recipe for fresh tomato soup, created for the Transformation Programme, is extremely simple, tasty and very healthy - lovage as an ingredient reduces excessive fermentation in the intestines, reduces flatulence and removes toxins", says Monika Honory. - says Monika Honory.

Fresh Tomato Soup Recipe by Monika Honory

Dipped noodles:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp flour


  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups of fresh tomato puree
  • lovage leaves
  • Parsley leaves
  • Dill
  • 1 celery
  • 1 teaspoon lard
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 glass of cream
  • Salt, pepper, sugar
  • Mix of dried vegetables with spices


Tie parsley, celery and lovage with cotton thread and drop into boiling salted water. Boil. In another pot add a teaspoon of lard to the tomato puree. Cook for a while, then remove the greens from the first pot and pour the stock into the tomatoes. Add a little foamed milk with cream. Season and continue to cook. Make a dough from the egg, egg yolk and flour and pour it directly into the hot soup. Stir and continue to cook. At the end sprinkle with chopped dill.

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